Transformation is possible.

Photo by David Yager Photography

Sometimes we hide from view—even from ourselves—a dream, talent, or skill we’ve never developed. We have this glorious, unexpressed potential, but we keep it a secret!

Perhaps you believe it is too late. That it’s not worth trying. I’m here to say it’s entirely possible and entirely worth it.

No matter what you’ve been through or how old you are, transformation is possible.

I know this struggle well, because it was my own path. I worked hard to succeed in a career that wasn’t a true fit for my talents. I became all too familiar with angst and regret. Familiar with the belief that I couldn’t change; after all, I’d already spent so much effort to build the life I had, right?!

As my life started matching up with my dreams, talents, and skills, I discovered a simple truth:


When we look within ourselves there are usually clues to what we could have been.


Amazingly, as we focus on these clues our troubles often seem less powerful. Depression and anxiety fall away.  New energy and interest in life dawns.

Taking that first step isn’t impossible, it just requires the right support!

That’s where therapy with me comes in.

With empathy, insight, warmth and humor, I’ll be an engaged listener of your story. We’ll tap into the wisdom you’ve acquired along the way.  We’ll curiously hunt for the clues of your heart’s true desire.

Together we can build the road you wish to travel.


Want to know more about my qualifications? Click here.